The Opossum-Palooza

It's okay. We don't know what the name means either.


A Little Dap For the Gators

I don't really give a shit about the final BCS standings. Wake Forest stayed in the top 20, finishing higher than BC, Va Tech and Tennessee, all of which makes me happy, but still relatively unmoved as I look forward to ACC basketball (UVa ain't bad - I'll spend my time thinking about them in lieu of Wake).
But I tell you what does make me excited.
The fact that I won (ok - tied, but whatever) Awful Announcing's Bowl Pool. I got me a "Free Harold Reynolds" shirt and a chance to write a post at -- a site that gets (and I'm ballparking here) 120,000 times more hits than I do.
Now is the time to for the world to experience my singular, bourbon-fueled genius.
Shit -- what will I say? Can I talk about buttsex? Is it okay to swear?
I was called the Sybill of sports fans the other day by a friend for my seemingly random choices of teams to follow. Is that worth expanding on? Probably only if I can reference anal sex and use profanity.
In closing -- Thanks, Gators for beating the shit out of The Ohio State University so I don't have to hear more shit about them. And also so I get to win something.
Chomp, Chomp.

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At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Daughter believes firmly in that saying about Lemonade, and so do I. I won't be going to the movies this week, but surely next week!

This evening is Dining and Dancing, with my ladt friend I told my Friend that if I save money on Dinner, by us going to a cheaper restaurant, (and I DON'T mean McDonalds) would she buy me a Hamster Wheel for my New Female Hamster and she said yes!!! I'm now back up to four Hamsters, and you know in about a month or two, that I will be breading them again.

I will be posting interesting information about the stars! Talk to you soon and have a lovely weekendd! Sorry, I was hardly on my Computer yesterday!

Your pal Martin Kopp

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live on the West Coast of Florida, facing the Intercoastal Waterway and can watch the boats going by, yet I wish I had a second home in North Carolina, for I absolutely love the Mountains! Since I can't the next best thing is to be able to visit!

As I imagine many people do, my LADY FRIEND loves YANKEE CANDLE and loves their mild French Vanilla Scent. We also have a Yankee Candle Store in the Mall. Like I mentioned, she enjoys shopping at Thrift Stores . Her most precious acquisition shares her bed! It's a Stuffed Tiger bigger than She is. Shepurchased him for $19.95. He's in perfect condition!!!

I decided to stay home this afternoon and work on my Speech for Toastmasters for Monday evening.

Your pal Martin Kopp

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