The Opossum-Palooza

It's okay. We don't know what the name means either.


I Fucking Hate Notre Dame

It should be obvious to anyone who knows me that I don't really give a shit about either LSU or Notre Dame, but I have to draw the line here.

LSU has to win this game. If only so Lou Holtz will be put out to pasture, as he so rightly deserves to be.

Also, as I think more about it, I spent many, many drunken hours in the state of Louisiana and am looking forward to visiting again this Spring for Jazz Fest in New Orleans.

So, quick breakdown of tonight's game, actual football be damned: On the one hand, we have the team for which NBC was named apparently (The Notre Dame Broadcasting Company, anyone?). ON the other, we have a team whose fans appear to be a bunch of crazy, slightly dangerous, drunken, pseudo-French-speaking Cajuns.

I'm choking back the bile as I type this, but "Geaux, Tigers!"

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At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dumb mother fucker. I hate Notre Dame too, but for fucks sake Lou Holtz has not coached there in a coons age. Their coach is Charlie Weiss, you may have heard of him he is kind of a big deal. So, before you go running your mouth like a fuck tard get the facts straight you numb nut mother fucker. Have a nice day

At 3:43 PM, Blogger BoSox Siobhan said...

Yes, anon, I know that. But the point I was making, albeit not clearly, is that Holtz gets all apoplectic on TV when talking about Notre Dame and if they lost, maybe he would drop dead or lost his job.
And you have a nice day, too, Boo.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Wooderson said...

So much hate, and so little room to fill with it.

I'm a domer, but I'm not all that insulted by the hate. If you didn't hate us, we wouldn't be meaningful, and there's nothing worse than irrelevance in the sports world.

And lay off Lou Holtz, I'm actively rooting for him to take a chainsaw to Mark May's goatee at some point.


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